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Cyriaque-Patrick Manckoundia

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Article scientifiques dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture répertoriées

Manckoundia P, Putot A (2021) COVID-19-Related French Lockdown: Impact on the Physical and Psychological Health of Older Adults. Gerontology 1-3. (IF : 5,69)
Mihai AM, Barben J, Dipanda M, Vovelle J, Nuss V, Baudin-Senegas C, Putot A, Manckoundia P (2021) Analysis of COVID-19 in Professionals Working in Geriatric Environment: Multicenter Prospective Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(18):9735. (IF : 2,85)
Laborde C, Barben J, Mihai AM, Nuss V, Vovelle J, D’Athis P, Jouanny P, Putot A, Manckoundia P (2020) Impact of Age, Multimorbidity and Frailty on the Prescription of Preventive Antiplatelet Therapy in Older Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(12):4541. (IF :3.39)
Manckoundia P, Barthélémy E, Bonnot R, D’Athis P (2020) Impact of an Ambulatory Physical Activity Program on Balance and Motor Abilities of Retirees: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Clinical Practice 74(5):e13474. (IF: 2,5)
Manckoundia P, Konate A, Hacquin A, Nuss V, Mihai AM, Vovelle J, Dipanda M, Putot S, Barben J, Putot A (2020) Iron in the General Population and Specificities in Older Adults: Metabolism, Causes and Consequences of Decrease or Overload, and Biological Assessment. Clinical Interventions in Aging 15:1927-1938 (IF : 4,46)
Putot A, Astruc K, Barben J, Mihai AM, Nuss V, Bador J, Putot S, Dipanda M, Laborde C, Vovelle J, Da Silva S, Mazen E, Glele LSA, Manckoundia P (2020) Impact of a Diagnosis-Centered Antibiotic Stewardship on Incident Clostridioides difficile Infections in Older Inpatients: An Observational Study. Antibiotics (Basel) 9(6):303 (IF : 63)
Coley N, Ngandu T, Lehtisalo J, Soininen H, Vellas B, Richard E, Kivipelto M, Andrieu S, Manckoundia P, HATICE, FINGER, MAPT/DSA groups (2019) Adherence to multidomain interventions for dementia prevention: Data from the FINGER and MAPT trials. Alzheimer's and Dementia 15(6):729-741. (IF : 17.13)
Giudici KV, Guyonnet S, Rolland Y, Vellas B, Barreto PD, Nourhashemi F, Marie Noelle C, Costes C, Rouaud O, Manckoundia P, et al (2019) Body Weight Variation Patterns as Predictors of Cognitive Decline over a 5 Year Follow-Up among Community-Dwelling Elderly (MAPT Study) Nutrients 11(6):1371 (IF : 4,55)
Tannou T, Koeberle S, Manckoundia P, Aubry R (2019) Multifactorial immunodeficiency in frail elderly patients: Contributing factors and management. Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses 49(3):167-172 (IF : 1,29)
Casteran M, Hilt P, Mourey F, Manckoundia P, French R, Thomas E (2018) Shifts in key time points and strategies for a multisegment motor task in healthy aging subjects. The Journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 73:1609-1617. (IF : 4,71)
Gabelle A, Jaussent I, Bouallègue FB, Lehmann S, Lopez R, Barateau L, Grasselli C, Pesenti C, de Verbizier D, Béziat S, Mariano-Goulart D, Carlander B, Dauvilliers Y, Manckoundia P et al. (2018) Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Multi-Domain Intervention Alzheimer's Prevention Trial study groups. Annals of Neurology 85(1):74-83 (IF : 9,5)
Mahmoudi R, Novella JL, Manckoundia P, et al (2017) Is functional mobility an independent mortality risk factor in subjects with dementia? Maturitas 103:65–70. (IF : 3.32)
Putot A, Laborde C, Fichot M, Manckounia P (2017) Falls and Delirium: Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome. The American Journal of Medicine 131(3):250-252. (IF : 5.12)
Bisio A, Casteran M, Baileys Y, Manckoundia P, Mourey F, Pozzo T (2016) Voluntary Imitation in Alzheimer's Disease Patients. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 8:48. (IF : 4.5)
Casteran M, Putot A, Pfitzenmeyer F, Thomas E, Manckoundia P (2016) Analysis of the impact of a cognitive task on the posture of elderly subjects with depression compared with healthy elderly subjects. Clinical Neurophysiology 127(11):3406-11. (IF : 3.87)
Mahmoudi R, Manckoundia P, Novella JL (2016) What could have caused this weight loss? European Journal of Internal Medicine 35:e1-e2. (IF : 2.96)
Vernerey D, Anota A, Vandel P, Paget-Bailly S, Dion M, Bailly V, Bonin M, Pozet A, Foubert A, Benetkiewicz M, Mankoundia P, Bonnetain F (2016) Development and validation of the FRAGIRE tool for assessment an older person's risk for frailty. BMC geriatrics 16(1):187 (IF : 2.61)
Bourrelier J., Ryard J., Dion M., Merienne F., Manckoundia P., Mourey F. Use of a Virtual Environment to Engage Motor and Postural Abilities in Elderly Subjects With and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment (MAAMI Project). IRBM. Vol 37, Issue 2, 2016, p75-80, ISSN 1959-0318,